Equipped to Make an Impact

Opportunities for High School Students

Career Decision and Higher Education

“Prepare your outside work, Make it fit for yourself in the field; And afterward build your house.” Proverbs 24:27

Paralegal Certificate - By Oak Brook College of Law

Does your student want to get a wide range of exposure before pursuing a career?

The paralegal program covers many areas of law that people interact with on a daily basis.

  • Real Estate Transactions
  • Family Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Business Organization
  • Christian Conciliation
  • and more

Business, ministry, government – there is no shortage of opportunities for someone with a legal foundation. To learn more visit the paralegal program webpage.

Navigate - By Unbound

So many questions are being asked of high schoolers as they approach graduation. Where are you going to college? What will you major in? This can be overwhelming and intimidating leaving students asking: “What if I make the wrong decision?”

Navigate is a 16-week course designed to help you discover  your passion and purpose. Learn more at the Beunbound.us

Worldview Training

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a worker who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”  2 Timothy 2:15

Summit Ministries

How a society answers the tough moral questions will be determined by the worldview of those making the decisions. In a world that continually bombards young adults to question the truth and doubt their faith, Summit Ministries is standing strong in its mission of “Raising generations to embrace God’s truth and champion a biblical worldview.”

To learn more visit Summit.org. 

Speech and Debate

Participating in speech and debate is a tremendous way for students to gain experience with public speaking, logic, reasoning, and civil debate. Below are two organizations which do an excellent job in providing the training and community for students to thrive.

“But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:15

Stoa Speech and Debate

Stoa defines its mission as follows: “Stoa is a national High School and Junior High Speech and Debate organization serving the needs of privately educated, Christian Homeschooling families. Stoa trains and supports leaders who in turn develop students into confident, articulate leaders who can change their culture through the marketplace of ideas. Our students become like family, learning to encourage one another, accept criticism, and accept both victory and defeat with grace. Our graduates have become leaders at every level of work, community, and ministry.”

To learn more visit Stoausa.org.

NCFCA - National Christian Forensics and Communications Association

“Since 2001, NCFCA Christian Speech & Debate League has empowered students to apply and communicate their worldview with skill and clarity. Whether a student is terrified of public speaking or loves a rousing debate, our training and competition will provide a supportive opportunity for them to apply a biblical worldview to real-life issues.”

To learn more visit ncfca.org.

Civics and Government

“[a]s, therefore, every [citizen] is interested in the preservation of the laws, it is incumbent upon every man to be acquainted with those at least, with which he is immediately concerned; lest he incur the censure, as well as inconvenience, of living in society without knowing the obligations which it lays him under.” Book 1, Introduction, Section 1, §6 (William Carey Jones, editor, 1915)

“Do you see a person skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure people.”  Proverbs 22: 29

Patriot Academy

Patriot Academy is designed to teach the basic civic education and give students an understanding upon which America was founded. Their mission is: Inspire Patriotism, Equip Citizens, and Educate a Nation.

To learn more visit Patriot Academy.

Generation Joshua and iGovern

The vision of Generation Joshua is “to assist parents to raise up the next generation of Christian leaders and citizens, equipped to positively influence the political process of today and tomorrow.”

Learn more at Generation Joshua.

Need a summer reading list for your student? Check out GenJ’s list here!