Paralegal Financial Information
It is of utmost importance to the faculty of Oak Brook College that our graduates are not saddled with student debt that will hinder their career and ministry decisions.
Total cost for tuition and fees for the Paralegal Program is outlined below. The tuition and fees for the Paralegal Program may be paid in full at the beginning of the year, or paid in 10 monthly installments under the student payment plan. Tuition is exclusive of fees and other costs, discussed below.
Additional fees for registration, technology, and credit card transactions may apply. Additionally, students will incur additional fees and expenses should they choose to sit for the Certified Paralegal Exam.
Yearly tuition does not include the cost of textbooks or other expenses which the student may incur in the process of pursuing the certificate, including the cost of computer equipment, internet, and email access fees.
A computer (laptop preferred) meeting the minimum system requirements indicated on the ExamSoft website is required. Each student is responsible to obtain his or her own computer and must have the ability to electronically submit documents. Students are also required to access online legal research programs and must have an internet connection to do so.
Students may purchase outside study aids in addition to required texts and are responsible to cover any costs associated with such items. However, while the purchase and use of these items is encouraged, it is not required.
At this time, the College does not provide students with financial aid and does not participate in any student loan programs. The College does offer a Student Payment Plan which allows a student to pay for one year of study over a 10-month period, with an accompanying processing fee. Payments are automatically billed on the first day of each scheduled payment month starting with the month coursework begins, for a total of 10 months. The College reserves the right to reevaluate the fee structures from year to year and to change them at its discretion.
Financial Aid
At this time, the College does not provide students with financial aid and does not participate in any student loan programs. The College does offer a Student Payment Plan which allows a student to pay for one year of study over a 10-month period, with an accompanying processing fee. The College reserves the right to reevaluate the fee structures from year to year and to change them at its discretion.
One-year Schedule of Charges
Annual Tuition Fees
Tuition: $4,500.00
Tuition is payable in full at the beginning of each year, or a student may utilize the Student Payment Plan arranged by the College. The cost of tuition will cover faculty and staff salaries and office and administrative costs.
Technology Fee: $100.00 — Nonrefundable
For some courses students are required to access Lexis-Nexis, a computer-assisted legal research program that requires a computer with an internet connection. The ExamSoft software is used for electronic administration of all Oak Brook College exams.
Registration Fee: $100.00 — Nonrefundable
This fee covers the cost of processing the student’s enrollment in each academic year.
Credit Card Processing Fee: $150.00 — Nonrefundable
This fee applies to any student electing to pay their tuition and fees with a credit card.
Fees ot Paid to Oak Brook College of Law
Textbooks: $700.00 (estimated)
Textbook charges are not included as part of the tuition fees. Students are required to purchase the prescribed textbooks for each course. A list of required textbooks and materials is made available to students at the time of enrollment.
Additional Supplies and materials: Varies
Students may purchase outside study aids, such as lecture series, flash cards, et cetera. The purchase and use of these items is encouraged but not required. Students are responsible to cover any costs associated with such items.
Computer with Internet Connection: Varies
A computer with an internet connection meeting the minimum system requirements indicated on the ExamSoft website is required. Each student is responsible to obtain his or her own computer. Personal computers may only be used in conjunction with ExamSoft for any law school examination. The ability to scan and electronically submit documents is also required.
Student Tuition Recovery Fund: $0.00* (California residents only; nonrefundable)
The State of California established the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic loss suffered by a student in an educational program at a qualifying institution, who is or was a California resident, or was enrolled in a residency program, if the student enrolled in the institution, prepaid tuition, and suffered an economic loss. Unless relieved of the obligation to do so, you must pay the state-imposed assessment for the (STRF), or it must be paid on your behalf, if you are a student in an educational program, who is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your tuition.
Read more about STRF policies
You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment, if you are not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program.
It is important that you keep copies of your enrollment agreement, financial aid documents, receipts, or any other information that documents the amount paid to the school. Questions regarding the STRF may be directed to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833, (916) 431-6959 or (888) 370-7589.
To be eligible for STRF, you must be a California resident or are enrolled in a residency program, prepaid tuition, paid the STRF assessment, and suffered an economic loss as a result of any of the following:
The institution, a location of the institution, or an educational program offered by the institution was closed or discontinued, and you did not choose to participate in a teach-out plan approved by the Bureau or did not complete a chosen teach-out plan approved by the Bureau.
You were enrolled at an institution or a location of the institution within the 120 day period before the closure of the institution or location of the institution, or were enrolled in an educational program within the 120 day period before the program was discontinued, if the Bureau determined there was a significant decline in the quality or value of that educational program during that time period.
You were enrolled at an institution or a location of the institution more than 120 days before the closure of the institution or location of the institution, in an educational program offered by the institution as to which the Bureau determined there was a significant decline in the quality or value of the program more than 120 days before closure.
The institution has been ordered to pay a refund by the Bureau but has failed to do so.
The institution has failed to pay or reimburse loan proceeds under a federal student loan program as required by law, or has failed to pay or reimburse proceeds received by the institution in excess of tuition and other costs.
You have been awarded restitution, a refund, or other monetary award by an arbitrator or court, based on a violation of this chapter by an institution or representative of an institution, but have been unable to collect the award from the institution.
In the event of an institutional closure, to qualify for STRF reimbursement, you must file a STRF application with the Bureau within two (2) years of receiving notice of the closure of the institution. If you do not receive notice, you have four (4) years from the date of the closure to file a STRF application.
For STRF reimbursement based on discontinuation of a program, refund award ordered by the Bureau, failure to pay or reimburse loan proceeds, or an award ordered by an arbitrator or court based on a violation of the Act,, you must file a STRF application within 2 years of the award order, failure to pay or reimburse loan proceeds, or program closure.
However, no claim can be paid to any student without a social security number or a taxpayer identification number. A student wishing to learn about the requirements for filing a claim against the STRF can find information on the BPPE website (
Note: Authority cited: Sections 94803, 94877 and 94923, Education Code. Reference: Section 94923, 94924 and 94925, Education Code.
*At present time, this fee has been suspended but may be reinstated at a later date.
The purpose of each of these charges is clearly stated above.
Students will be responsible for any other expenses incurred by them during the course of study.
“Oak Brook’s tuition structure was essential for me. Graduating without debt allowed me to pursue my dream of working at a nonprofit defending religious liberties.” – Matt, Student